Hope from Home a year later

Hope from Home was a video series we created during the lockdown of 2020.  It was inspired by early social media posts of people wanting to help but not knowing how.  We felt like we were uniquely positioned to bridge this gap.  We had the connections to ask nonprofits exactly what they needed to continue to serve our community.  It also gave us a personal way to give with our abilities.  We cobbled a way to capture quality video and audio that was touch free and safe.  Then we made some calls, sent a bunch of emails and got to work.  It was time consuming to pull off, but we decided it was all well spent if we connect with one person.  

Eight months later, we got forwarded an email.  A woman from Amarillo happened upon the series and was moved to contribute to one of the featured organizations.  I guess that means it was a success.

Click below and take a look for yourself.